About us

To dare, the price of success!

Today’s hectic lifestyle that has imposed itself on all of us brings us certain unwritten rules. Condemnation and criticism are pouring in from all sides,
everything is being carefully measured and it is difficult to surface and introduce something new. We dared and you know what? We did it! We succeeded because we had enough courage and because we believed in our vision. Today, Vertigo® is a BRAND that brings together capable, young and courageous enthusiasts who are constantly working to develop a brand that pushes world borders.


Our responsibility

We understand seriously and accept responsibility by creating products that we stand firmly and transparently behind and that are in line with prescribed environmental standards.


Your choice!

What we develop and offer is your choice and thank you for that, we are indescribably glad that you exist and that you do not agree with the average
and want only the best for yourself! Because VERTIGO® are not ordinary leggings and our products represent much more than that, you have decided on something beautiful, something comfortable, something new, something revolutionary, something BEST!


VERTIGO® is an international fashion brand that is represented in the Republic of Serbia by:

Matija Perko PR trgovinska radnja Beograd
Đorđa Stojkovića 4/2
11250 Beograd, Srbija


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